Half Circles in Red, Blue and Yellow

Here is the Yellow and Blue versions of Half Circles to join the original Red. I really do enjoy seeing the three together. And of course, because the physical world isn’t perfect, these three pieces do not behalf exactly the same way, so even when all three are in motion that movement evolves, changes and slows down differently for all three pieces. So much fun to watch!


Half Circles in Red

For me there are two new things on in here - a new form factor for a table top sized piece but also a completely new way to create the rotating elements of a sculpture.

In this case the red elements were all designed in software, then laser cut in 3/8 in aluminum plate and ultimately powder coated. Because digital renderings exist in a perfect world, the software can allow me to designer the piece, then adjust to locate the center of gravity (the balance point) exactly where I want. But once it moves into the physical world all that perfection goes away and lots of hard work was required to mate the elements balance.

In the not to distant future I’ll complete a blue and a yellow version. I’m looking forward to expanding on this technique to larger and more elaborate designs.,


Ribbon Stacks


Primary Forms